Kabosu, Dog Meme Mascot Icon and Dogecoin Inspiration, Dies at 18

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Kabosu, the dog who inspired the Doge meme and served as the mascot for Dogecoin, died at the age of 17 on May 25.

Kabosu owner, Atsuko Sato, confirmed the news in a post on her official blog, thanking everyone for their love and support over the years.

Kabosu died after it was announced that he was in a "dangerous position" in terms of health in 2022. Sata, on the other hand, voiced her desire for a quiet and painless death.

"Soft light streamed in through the window, amidst the beautiful morning where birds sing, she gently passed away, as if falling asleep, while being stroked by me," she recalled.

Sato also announced a goodbye party for "Kabo-chan," which will take place on May 26 at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita.

The news has rippled throughout the internet, bringing together pop culture, meme culture, and cryptocurrency culture to commemorate the loss. Kabosu has surely left her impact on digital history.

Doge History: From Meme, Crypto, and Legend

Kabosu originally received considerable notice in 2010, when Sato posted images of her adoptive puppy on her blog. A specific photograph of Kabosu, capturing her suspicious and questioning attitude, quickly went viral, sparking the "Doge" meme movement.

This single image, together with statements in bad English, became a staple of early meme culture.

By 2013, the fundamental joke had grown in prominence with the creation of Dogecoin, which used Kabosu picture as its official emblem.

Despite its origins as a joke, Dogecoin has become a popular cryptocurrency. It took on various humanitarian activities, including clean water projects and financing for the Jamaican bobsled team.

This also standardized meme currencies in the cryptocurrency realm, which led to the creation of some of the most popular meme coins. Many of these coins used the Shiba Inu as their mascot, giving respect to the original meme that started the craze.

The original Doge picture was also made into an NFT in 2023. It sold for 1,696 ETH, or $4 million.

Since its sale, the NFT has been broken into billions of smaller, marketable pieces to allow for fractional ownership.

Her impact goes into political campaigns. On May 23, for example, US President Joe Biden reelection campaign announced the employment of a "master of memes".

The Crypto Community Commemorates Kabo

The crypto community and Kabosu followers have expressed their sorrow, expressing tributes and fond memories of the dog that became an internet legend.

The official Shiba Inu token, a rival to Dogecoin, posted a passionate homage highlighting Kabosu contribution on cryptocurrency.

When word of her illness became public, Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus requested his fans to give their support. One user responded to his call to action by promising to pay for "any expenses necessary to ensure she receives the best treatment."

Kabosu legacy as the face of cryptocurrency culture will continue to represent community spirit and inspire future generations of meme fans.

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